miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2012

Well!! I have done another job about software!!! but it has a diference wiht the other one, I done this one in powerpoint :)

lSoftware  is a general term for the various kinds of programs used to operate computers and related devices. It’s also known as the logical equipment or software of a computer system, it includes all the necessary logic components that makes possible specific tasks, they are also the instructions that the computer needs to operate, but they don’t exist phisically, you can’t see or touch.

1950 - 1965
They just correct and code
There wasn't a previous approach
They were developed ``a base de prueba y error´´
There wasn't any type of documentation
1965 - 1972
They try to make more simple the using code
Appears the multiprogramation and the multipurpose systems
The software becomes a product
 Starts the software crisis
1972 – 1989
New and more computering systems
Appears global nets
1989 - ?
The information becomes a  fundamental value
Appear: Information nets, expert systems and artificial intelligence softwares
We can clasificate softwares in thes categorys:
-By the use: Aplication, software programing, software system
-By the owner: free, propietary.

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